54:15B-8 - Determination of tax due; powers of director

54:15B-8  Determination of tax due; powers of director.

8. a. (1) If a return required by this act is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient in the opinion of the director, the amount of tax due shall be determined by the director from the information available.

(2)If because of an affiliation of interests between a company subject to tax under this act and any purchaser the gross receipts from sale transactions are not indicative of or representative of market price, the director may at the director's discretion, utilize external indices to establish gross receipts.

(3) (a) Notice of a determination pursuant to this subsection shall be given to the company liable for the payment of the tax.  Such determination shall finally and irrevocably fix the tax unless the company against which it is assessed, within 30 days after receiving notice of the determination, shall apply to the director for a hearing, or unless the director on the director's own motion shall redetermine the same.  After such hearing the director shall give notice of the determination to the company to which the tax is assessed.

(b)Any aggrieved taxpayer that has neither protested or appealed from an additional assessment of tax may, pursuant to subsection b. of R.S.54:49-14, file a claim for refund of the assessment paid.

b.The certificate of the director to the effect that a tax has not been paid, that a return has not been filed, that a prescribed certificate has not been issued, that information has not been supplied or that inaccurate information has been supplied pursuant to the provisions of this act or rules or regulations adopted hereunder shall be prima facie evidence thereof.

c.In addition to the other powers granted to the director in this section, the director is hereby authorized and empowered:

(1)To delegate to any officer or employee of the division such powers and duties as the director may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and the person or persons to whom such power has been delegated shall possess and may exercise all of said powers and perform all of the duties delegated by the director;

(2)To prescribe and distribute all necessary forms and certificates for the implementation of this act; and

(3)To administer and enforce the tax imposed by this act and to make and adopt such rules and regulations and to require such facts and information to be reported as the director may deem necessary to enforce the provisions of this act.

d.The tax imposed by this act shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of the State Tax Uniform Procedure Law, R.S.54:48-1 et seq., except only to the extent that a specific provision of this act may be in conflict therewith.

L.1990,c.42,s.8;  amended 1991, c.181, s.5; 1998, c.106, s.6.