54:10A-34 - Banking corporations;  annual franchise tax;  deductions for international banking facilities

54:10A-34.  Banking corporations;  annual franchise tax;  deductions for international banking facilities    Every banking corporation shall pay an annual franchise tax in the year 1976  and each year thereafter, as provided in the Corporation Business Tax Act,  P.L.1945, c. 162 (C. 54:10A-1 et seq.) for the privilege of having or exercising its corporate franchise in this State, or for the privilege of doing  business, employing or owning capital or property, or maintaining an office in  this State.  For the purposes of this act, (1) the privilege period of each  banking corporation shall be the calendar year, and the initial privilege  period shall be the calendar year ending December 31, 1976;  (2) January 1,  1976 and January 1, of each year thereafter shall be the assessment dates;  (3)  the tax on income shall be based upon the income of the calendar year preceding  the assessment date;  (4) net worth shall be determined as of the December 31  preceding the assessment date;  and (5) income of a banking corporation in any  privilege period shall include the income of any banking corporation merged  into or consolidated with such banking corporation in such privilege period.   From and after January 1, 1976, no banking corporation shall be subject to the  provisions of R.S. 54:9-1 through 54:9-18 and section 13 of P.L.1970, c. 8 (C.  54:9-19) but shall, to the extent and in the manner provided by this act,  become and be subject to the provisions of the Corporation Business Tax Act and  the Business Personal Property Tax Act, P.L.1966, c. 136 (C. 54:11A-1 et seq.). To effect the transition from taxation under R.S. 54:9-1 through 54:9-18 and section 13 of P.L.1970, c. 8, to taxation under the Corporation Business Tax Act, every banking corporation shall, within 90 days after the effective date of this act, but not later than December 1, 1975, pay to the State a sum equal to 60% of the amount of the tax that would have been due from such banking corporation had it been subject to taxation under the Corporation Business Tax Act during the calendar year ending December 31, 1974.  Thereafter, as provided  by the Corporation Business Tax Act, each banking corporation shall, on or  before April 15 of each privilege period, commencing with the privilege period  beginning January 1, 1976, file a tax return and pay the full amount of the tax  determined to be due for the then current privilege period, and shall, in  addition, pay a sum equal to 60% of the full amount of the tax due for such  privilege period as an advance partial payment against the tax determined to be  due for the next succeeding privilege period.  Each such banking corporation  shall, in the final calculation of the tax determined to be due from it for the  1976 privilege period, receive a credit for the 60% payment made by it on or before December 1, 1975 pursuant to this section, and thereafter, each banking  corporation shall, in the final calculation of the tax determined to be due  from it for any subsequent privilege period, receive credit for the advance  partial payment made by it in the next preceding privilege year.  No banking  corporation shall, in calculating its income for any of the purposes of  taxation under the Corporation Business Tax Act deduct from its income the  amount of any tax paid pursuant to R.S. 54:9-1 through 54:9-18 and section 13  of P.L.1970, c. 8 (C. 54:9-19).  Any excess payment made in any privilege year  shall be returned as provided in section 15 of the Corporation Business Tax Act  (C. 54:10A-15).  Notwithstanding anything contained in this act to the  contrary, during each of the privilege years 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979, the  amount to be paid by each banking corporation as taxes under this act shall be  the greater of (1) the amount which such banking corporation paid in the  calendar year 1975 as taxes pursuant to R.S. 54:9-1 through 54:9-18 and section  13 of P.L.1970, c. 8 or (2) a sum equal to the total of the taxes paid by such  banking corporation pursuant to this section and section 5 of this act.  In any  case where the corporate existence of a banking corporation transacting  business on the effective date of this act terminates during a privilege period  by voluntary or involuntary dissolution, or by merger or consolidation, or otherwise, such banking corporation shall be liable for the payment of taxes under this section for the full privilege period in which such termination takes place.

    The effect of the amendments to this act relating to international banking facilities shall be phased in over a 5 year period.  In order to implement the transition, each banking corporation which elects to utilize the deduction from  entire net income for eligible net income from international banking facilities  (provided in subsection (k)(4) of section 4 of P.L.1945, c. 162 (C. 54:10A-4) )  or the exclusion from net worth for international banking facilities (provided  in subsection (d) of section 4 of P.L.1945, c. 162) shall, with its return for  the first year in which it makes that election, file an information return for  1981 which shall report its income and net worth attributable to the activities  referred to in subsection (k)(4) of section 4 of P.L.1945, c. 162 as if the  taxpayer had an established international banking facility during the entire  calendar year 1981 and as if the amendments to this act relating to  international banking facilities had been effective during that entire year.  The difference between a taxpayer's corporate franchise tax liability for 1981 and the amount it would have been liable for if said amendments were in effect  during 1981 shall be the taxpayer's base international banking facilities tax  liability.

    For each of the years 1982 through 1986 in which the taxpayer elects to utilize the deduction from entire net income for eligible net income from international banking facilities (provided in subsection (k)(4) of section 4 of  P.L.1945, c. 162) or the exclusion from net worth for international banking  facilities (provided in subsection (d) of section 4 of P.L.1945, c. 162), the  taxpayer shall pay, in addition to the tax computed under section 5 of  P.L.1945, c. 162 (C. 54:10-5) the following percentage of its base international banking facilities tax liability:


     1982 100% 1983 80% 1984 60% 1985 40% 1986 20%

     L.1975, c. 170, s. 4, eff. Aug. 4, 1975.  Amended by L.1978, c. 40, s. 1, eff.  June 19, 1978;  L.1983, c. 422, s. 3, eff. Jan. 5, 1984.