53:5A-5.3 - Calculation of liability of employer

53:5A-5.3.  Calculation of liability of employer

6. The actuary of the State Police Retirement System shall calculate the liability of the employer of the inspectors, members of the State Capitol Police Force, and marine law enforcement officers becoming members of that retirement system under the provisions of P.L.1997, c.19 (C.53:1-8.2 et al.) in the same manner as is specified in the case of other members of the State Police Retirement System, taking into account the value of moneys remitted by the pension funds.  In the event that the value of such money so remitted is less than the total which is required by the State Police Retirement System to provide the transferred inspector, member of the State Capitol Police Force, or marine law enforcement officer with credit for his public service, the liability of the employer shall include an amount equal to the difference between the two values.  Upon certification by the actuary of the State Police Retirement System, the employer shall make such contributions as are required in order to meet his financial obligations.
