52:9YY-6 - Disclosure of health data, conditions
52:9YY-6. Disclosure of health data, conditions
6. a. The commission shall make no disclosure of any health data which identifies a person's health status or utilization of health care unless the person described in the data has consented to the disclosure.
b.A person or entity to whom the commission has disclosed health data shall make no disclosure of any health data which identifies a person's health status or utilization of health care unless the person described in the data has consented to the disclosure.
c.No identifiable health data obtained by the commission shall be subject to subpoena or similar compulsory process in a civil or criminal, judicial, administrative or legislative proceeding, nor shall a person or entity with lawful access to identifiable health data pursuant to this act be compelled to testify with regard to that data; except that data pertaining to a party in litigation may be subject to subpoena or similar compulsory process in an action brought by or on behalf of that party to enforce a liability arising under this act.