52:9X-12 - SMART Research and Development Compact ratified
52:9X-12 SMART Research and Development Compact ratified.
2.The State of New Jersey hereby ratifies the SMART Research and Development Compact with any other state legally joining therein, which compact is substantially as follows:
a.The shared borders, similar economic, environmental, and socioeconomic traits as well as the common historical attributes between the residents of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, bind the four states into a common Mid-Atlantic region.
b.This region presents a rich framework of approximately 618 colleges and universities, including approximately 38 leading engineering colleges with a variety of technical expertise and ingenious research and development programs within every field of science and technology.
c.This region contains a variety of federally owned and generated laboratories or organizations assigned with the task of performing needed research and development in most of our Nation's technical areas, highlighted by defense, transportation, health, energy, and communications.
d.This region possesses a great wealth of private manufacturers, laboratories, and nonprofit organizations in each of the scientific and technological pursuits, such as homeland security, defense, aerospace, manufacturing, information systems, materials, chemicals, medical applications, and pharmaceuticals.
e.Increased cooperation between the above-mentioned institutions and the four Mid-Atlantic State governments may effectively enhance the region's contribution to the United States in all fields of science and technology and promote academic, private and public research and development, technical enterprise, and intellectual vitality.
f.A multi-state organization assigned with the task of linking various institutions across different jurisdictions and promoting working partnerships may further assist the United States by providing a model for the rest of the nation for the effective use of limited national, State, and local funding resources.
There is created the SMART (Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow) Research and Development Compact (hereinafter referred to as "the compact"). The purpose of the compact is to promote the contribution of the Mid-Atlantic region to the nation's research and development in science and technology, and to create a multi-state organization, the purpose of which is to oversee and help facilitate the acquisition of research and development funding, and to enhance the cooperation, formation of partnerships, and sharing of information among businesses, academic institutions, federal and state governmental agencies, laboratories, federally owned and operated laboratories, and nonprofit entities, within the Mid-Atlantic region comprised of the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
a.The states eligible to become parties to the compact shall be the four states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
b.Each state eligible to become a party state to the compact shall be declared a "party state" upon enactment of the compact into law by the state.
a.The party states agree to establish a multi-state organization as a joint organization to be known as the SMART Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the organization").
b.The organization shall be headed by a Board of Directors that shall consist of a representative from each party state, appointed as provided by the law of that state, and representatives from the party states for each technology class described in ARTICLE V of the compact. The Board of Directors may also include representatives of any business, academic institution, nonprofit agency, federal or state governmental agency, laboratory, and federally owned and operated laboratory within the party states.
c.The Board of Directors shall oversee and direct the projects, administration, and policies of the organization and may create and utilize the services of technology-designated working groups to identify goals and sources of funding, establish research and development projects, detect new technology advances for the Mid-Atlantic region to pursue, and facilitate cooperation among regional entities. The Board of Directors and working groups in the organization shall serve without compensation and shall hold regular quarterly meetings and such special meetings as their business may require.
d.The organization shall adopt bylaws and any other such rules or procedures as may be needed. The organization may hold hearings and conduct studies and surveys to carry out its purpose. The organization may acquire by gift or otherwise and hold and dispose of such money and property as may be provided for the proper performance of its functions, may cooperate with other public or private groups, whether local, state, regional, or national, having an interest in economic or technology development, and may exercise such other powers as may be appropriate to accomplish its functions and duties in connection with the development of the organization and to carry out the purpose of the compact.
Not including state representatives, the Board of Directors of the organization and technology working groups may represent and originate from the following technology classes: information technology, sensors, rotorcraft technology, manufacturing technology, fire and emergency medical services, financial technology, alternative fuels, nanotechnology, electronics, environmental, telecommunications, chemical and biological, biomedical, opto-electric, materials and aerospace, and defense systems including directed energy, missile defense, future combat systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The organization may at any time, upon approval by the Board of Directors, designate and assign new technology classes and may at any time remove an existing technology class from this list and the organization's activities.
The Board of Directors shall appoint a full-time paid executive director, who shall be a person familiar with the nature of the procedures and the significance of scientific funding, research and development, economic development, and the informational, educational, and publicity methods of stimulating general interest in such developments. The duties of the executive director are to carry out the goals and directives of the Board of Directors and administer the actions of each working group as chairman. The executive director may hire a staff and shall be the administrative head of the organization, whose term of office shall be at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
The State of New Jersey recognizes that the compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon each party state until such time as the party state takes action to withdraw therefrom. Such action shall not be effective until six months after notice thereof has been sent by a party state desiring to withdraw to all the other party states.
The State of New Jersey recognizes the express right of the Congress to alter, amend or repeal the federal act granting consent of the Congress to the SMART Research and Development Compact.
The compact shall become operative in a party state upon enactment by that state. The compact shall become initially effective in the Mid-Atlantic region upon enactment of the compact into law by two or more party states and consent has been given to it by Congress.