52:9RR-4 - Powers, duties of committee

52:9RR-4  Powers, duties of committee.
4.The committee is authorized, empowered and directed to conduct a continuing study of the availability and provision of housing affordable to all New Jersey households, the financing and administration of programs providing affordable housing, the rules, regulations or actions promulgated or enforced by various State government entities, including but not limited to, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, or agencies, that may negatively impact the affordability of housing, and land use policies and other issues related to making housing affordable, for the purpose of making recommendations for legislative action, including amendments to the "Fair Housing Act," P.L.1985, c.222 (C.52:27D-301 et al.) or to the "State Planning Act," P.L.1985, c.398 (C.52:18A-196 et al.), or to any other statute as it deems practicable and desirable for the provision of opportunities for  the affordability and availability of housing for all residents throughout the State.
