52:8-1 - Apportionment of surplus revenue among counties;  repayment; loans;  annual statement

52:8-1.  Apportionment of surplus revenue among counties;  repayment; loans;  annual statement
    L.1837, p. 432 (Rev.1877, pp. 1131, 1132, s.s. 1 to 4 [C.S. pp. 5052 to 5054,  s.s. 1 to 4] ), entitled  "An act making provisions for the deposit and distribution of so much of the surplus revenue of the United States as now is or may hereafter be apportioned to and received by this state,"  passed March tenth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, saved from repeal, together  with the supplement thereto passed March seventh, one thousand eight hundred  and thirty-nine.  L.1839, p. 157 (Rev.1877, pp. 1132 to 1134, s.s. 5 to 11 [C.S.  pp. 5054 to 5056, s.s. 5 to 11] ).  [These acts authorized the distribution among  the counties of the state's portion of the surplus revenue of the United  States;  required the counties to issue certificates of deposit therefor and to  repay such moneys whenever required for the purpose of being refunded into the  United States treasury.  Upon any county failing to return the money within  three months after notice so to do, the state is authorized to levy a tax on the county therefor.  The counties may loan the moneys so distributed and  apportion the interest among the townships.  Annually each county is required  to publish a detailed statement of the loans.]