52:32-2.2 - Historic buildings designated for purposes of special public contracts
52:32-2.2. Historic buildings designated for purposes of special public contracts
2. a. The Legislature further finds that there are projects for the construction, renovation or restoration of public buildings that must employ construction management personnel, engineers, architects and contractors whose skills and expertise will identify, display and protect the historical, architectural, cultural and artistic significance of those public buildings; and that buildings of this nature have the highest priority in being constructed, renovated and restored in the most timely manner and with the highest managerial, professional and technical expertise when they house the seat of the State Government and are to provide for its continuous operation and when these buildings are some of the most architecturally or historically significant of the State's structures. The Legislature declares that the State House, the State House Annex and ancillary structures, the War Memorial, the Old Barracks, the Kelsey Building and the townhouses adjacent to the Kelsey Building are the buildings or constitute the project which are subject to the provisions of subsection b. of this section.
b. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S.52:32-2 and section 11 of P.L.1981, c.120 (C.52:18A-78.11) to the contrary, in the case of the erection, construction, alteration or repair of the State House, State House Annex and ancillary structures, the War Memorial, the Old Barracks, the Kelsey Building and the townhouses adjacent to the Kelsey Building, as public buildings or a project of the New Jersey Building Authority, if the board, body or person authorized by law to award contracts for the work on the public building, or the authority for the work on the project, finds that such a building or project:
(1) requires a unique application of specialized planning, management and operational strategies, skills and techniques;
(2) requires that construction management personnel, engineers, architects and contractors whose skills and expertise will best identify, display and protect the historical, architectural, cultural and artistic significance of the building or project be employed for its planning, design and construction, renovation or restoration; and
(3) must be completed in the most efficient and timely manner, then the board, body or person authorized by law to award the contracts, or the authority, may (a) by advertising and receiving bids in the form of a single contract, multiple branch contracts, or both, award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, as determined by the board, body, person, or authority; or (b) in order to further the purposes of this section, by inviting bids for the single contract, multiple branch contracts, or both, from among a list of qualified bidders, in a manner that will promote full and free competition whenever practicable, award the contract or contracts to that responsible bidder from among the invited bidders whose bid, conforming to the invitation for bids, will be most advantageous to the State, price and other factors considered.
L.1987,c.202,s.2; amended 1994,c.25.