Section 52:31C
- 52:31C-1 - Short title
- 52:31C-2 - Findings, declarations relative to structured financing transactions
- 52:31C-3 - Definitions relative to structured financing transactions
- 52:31C-4 - Authority to enter into structured financing transaction
- 52:31C-5 - Establishment of State payment account for structured financing transaction
- 52:31C-6 - Reports, JBOC approval
- 52:31C-7 - Construction of act as to State obligations
- 52:31C-8 - Immunity from personal liability
- 52:31C-9 - Powers constitute performance of essential governmental function; tax exemption
- 52:31C-10 - Procedures for undertaking structured financing agreements by public agencies other than the State
- 52:31C-11 - Structured Financing Act to supplement, supersede other laws
- 52:31C-12 - Severability
- 52:31C-13 - Liberal construction