52:31-39 - Duties of commission 

52:31-39.    Duties of commission 
     6.  a.  It shall be the duty of the commission and its respective subcommittees to:


    (1)  maintain, monitor and preserve the architectural, historical, cultural and artistic integrity of any completed project for the restoration, preservation and improvement of the State capitol complex and to safeguard any related artifacts, documents and objects; 

    (2)  maintain custody of the State capitol complex, with exclusive jurisdiction with respect to its management and operation, including maintenance, repair, renovation, improvement, security, parking, furnishing, artifact displays, and space utilization; and 

    (3)  consult with the Capital City Redevelopment Corporation, established pursuant to P.L.1987, c.58 (C.52:9Q-9 et seq.), regarding matters of common concern. 

    b.   The exclusive responsibility to carry out these duties shall repose with the commission with respect to common facilities; the subcommittee on executive branch facility management with respect to executive branch facilities; and the subcommittee on legislative branch facility management with respect to legislative branch facilities. 
