52:3-4 - Display of foreign flag unaccompanied by national flag prohibited;   exception;  violation misdemeanor

52:3-4.  Display of foreign flag unaccompanied by national flag prohibited;   exception;  violation misdemeanor
    It shall be unlawful to display the flag or emblem of any foreign state or country either on public or private property within this state, unless such foreign flag or emblem be accompanied by a national flag of the United States of America, of at least equal dimensions;  but whenever a foreigner becomes the  guest of the United States, the state, or any city or municipality, upon the  proclamation of the governor or the mayor of any such city or municipality, the  flag of the country of which such public guest shall be a citizen may be  displayed upon any state, county or municipal building without being  accompanied by a national flag as above provided.

    Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding sixty days, or both.