52:28-31 - Islands subsequently formed

52:28-31.    Islands subsequently formed
    Secondly.  That all other islands which may hereafter be formed within said  river, between the falls of Trenton and the station point, or northwest corner  of the state of New Jersey aforesaid, shall hereafter be deemed and considered  as parts and parcels of the state to which such island may be nearest.  In  witness whereof, we the commissioners of the states aforesaid, have set our  hands and seals to two instruments of writing, one for each state, dated this second day of December, anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five.

                                                  George Wall, [L.S.]

                                                    John Okely, [L.S.]

                                                    Jonas Hartzell, [L.S.]

                                                    Moore  Furman. [L.S.]


   Rev.1877, p. 1183, s. 20 (C.S. p. 5370, s. 36).