52:28-29 - Preamble

52:28-29.  Preamble
    Whereas, commissioners duly appointed on the part of the state of Pennsylvania, and a commissioner duly appointed on the part of the state of New  Jersey, for the purpose of dividing the islands in the river Delaware, between  the falls of Trenton, and the station point, or northwest corner of the state  of New Jersey, have executed two articles of agreement, one for each state,  which is contained in the following words:

    An agreement made and concluded upon, between George Wall, John Okely, and Jonas Hartzell, commissioners appointed by the supreme executive council of the  state of Pennsylvania, for dividing the islands and insulated dry land in the  river Delaware, with the state of New Jersey, from the falls at Trenton to the  station point, or northwest corner of the said state, and Moore Furman,  commissioner appointed by the said state of New Jersey, for the like purpose.

     Rev.1877, p. 1182, Preamble (C.S. p. 5369, Preamble).