52:28-27 - When agreement binding

52:28-27.    When agreement binding
    Fourthly.  That this present agreement, and every article and clause therein  contained, shall be suspended and take no effect until each of the legislatures  of the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, respectively, shall have passed  laws approving of and ratifying the same; which being done, the said agreement  shall then be considered as a joint compact between the said states, and the citizens thereof, respectively, and be forever thereafter irrevocable by either  of the said contracting states, without the concurrence of the other.  In  witness whereof, we, the commissioners of the aforesaid states, have set our  hands and seals to two instruments of the agreement, one for each state, dated  this twenty-sixth day of April, anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and  eighty-three.

                                                  Abraham Clark, [L.S.]

                                                    Joseph Cooper, [L.S.]

                                                    Thomas Henderson, [L.S.]

                                                    George  Bryan, [L.S.]

                                                    George Gray, [L.S.]

                                                    Wm. Bingham. [L.S.]


   Rev.1877, p. 1182, s. 18 (C.S. p. 5369, s. 33).