52:28-26 - Annexation of islands

52:28-26.  Annexation of islands
    Thirdly.  That all islands, islets, and dry land within the bed and between  the shores of the said river, and between the said station point, northerly,  and the falls of Trenton, southerly, shall as to jurisdiction, be hereafter  deemed and considered as parts and parcels of the state to which such insulated  dry land doth lie nearest at the time of making and executing this agreement;   and that from said falls of Trenton to the state of Delaware, southerly,  Biles' island, near Trenton, Windmill island, opposite to Philadelphia, League  island, Mud or Fort island, Hog island, and Little Tinnicum islands, shall be  annexed to the state of Pennsylvania, and considered as parts and parcels  thereof;  and that Biddle's or Newbold's island, Burlington island, Petty's  islands, Redbank island, Harmanus Helm's island, Chester island, and Shiverse's  island, shall be annexed to the state of New Jersey, and considered as parts  and parcels thereof;  and that all other islands within said river, between the  falls of Trenton and the state of Delaware, which are not hereinbefore particularly enumerated, shall be hereafter deemed and considered as parts and  parcels of the state to which such island doth lie nearest, at the date hereof;   and that all islands which may hereafter be formed within the said river shall  be classed and annexed to the jurisdiction of either state, according to the  same principle.

     Rev. 1877, p. 1181, s. 17 (C.S. p. 5369, s. 32).