52:28-20 - Monumental marks of boundary line

52:28-20.  Monumental marks of boundary line
    Third.  The monumental marks by which said boundary line shall be hereafter  known and recognized are hereby declared to be as follows:

    I.  The  "Great Beds lighthouse" ;

     II.  A permanent monument marked  "state boundary line New York and New Jersey" , and to be placed at the intersection of the line drawn from the "Great Beds lighthouse"  to  "Waackaack or Wilson's beacon" , Monmouth county, New Jersey, and the line drawn from  "Morgan's number two" triangulation point, United States coast and geodetic survey, in Middlesex county, New Jersey, to the  "Romer stone beacon" ;

    III.  Eight buoys or spindles, to be marked like the permanent monuments above mentioned and placed at suitable intervening points along the line from the said permanent monument to the  "Romer stone beacon" ;

    IV.  The Romer stone beacon.

     L.1888, c. 55, Agreement, p. 87 (C.S. p. 5367, s. 27).