52:28-15 - Agreement binding when confirmed by legislatures of both states  and by congress

52:28-15.    Agreement binding when confirmed by legislatures of both states  and by congress
    Fourth.  This agreement shall become binding on the two states when confirmed by the legislatures thereof, respectively, and when confirmed by the congress of the United States.

   "In witness whereof, the said commissioners have hereto set their hands and  seals, in duplicate, this seventh day of June, in the year of our Lord one  thousand eight hundred and eighty-three.

                                           Henry R. Pierson, [L.S.]

                                             E. W. Leavenworth, [L.S.]

                                             Chauncey M. Depew, [L.S.]

                                             A. Browning, [L.S.]

                                             Thomas N. McCarter, [L.S.]

                                             Geo. H. Cook. [L.S.]


   Executed in the presence of--


   Witness as to H. R. Pierson,

          A. C. Judson, Albany.


   As to commissioners of New Jersey,

          B. Williamson.


   Witness to the signature of E. W. Leavenworth,

          A. F. Lewis.


   As to Chauncey M. Depew,

          W. I. Vanarsdale."


   L.1884, c. 83, Agreement, p. 121 (C.S. p. 5365, s. 22).