52:28-14 - Permanent and authentic record of boundary line

52:28-14.  Permanent and authentic record of boundary line
    Third.  The field-books of said surveyors, containing the descriptions of the locations of the several monuments erected by them, and of the witness marks thereto, the report of said surveyors containing the account of their work in ascertaining and marking said line, together with the topographical map  of said line and the vicinity thereof, and the several documents and books of  record containing the transactions of the parties aforesaid, having been duly  authenticated and attested by the signatures of the said commissioners, and  placed on file in the offices of the secretaries of state of the two states,  shall constitute the permanent and authentic records of said boundary line, and  are hereby adopted by the parties hereto, and made part of this agreement.

     L.1884, c. 83, Agreement, p. 121 (C.S. p. 5364, s. 21).