52:27H-86 - Eligibility for incentives

52:27H-86  Eligibility for incentives.

27.To be eligible for any of the incentives provided under this act a qualified business must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authority that:

a.The business will create new employment in the municipality;

b.The business will not create unemployment in other areas of the State, including the municipality in which the zone or UEZ-impacted business district is located.

c.For the purposes of eligibility for the incentives provided under sections 17, 19, 20, and 21 of P.L.1983, c.303 (C.52:27H-76, 52:27H-78, 52:27H-79, and 52:27H-80, respectively), a qualified business shall not be required to meet the requirements of subsection a. of this section, if:

(1)At the time of designation of the enterprise zone or at the time zone designation is extended by expansion to the location of a business or at the time of designation of the UEZ-impacted business district, the qualified business had been engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business in that zone or in the added area of that zone or in that district for at least one year prior to that designation or expansion;

(2)The qualified business employs fewer than 50 employees; and

(3)The qualified business has entered into an agreement, approved by the authority, with the governing body of the qualifying municipality in which the enterprise zone is located or the municipality where the UEZ-impacted business district is located, under which the qualified business agrees to undertake an investment in the enterprise zone or district in lieu of the employment of new employees.  An investment permitted under an agreement shall be in an amount and of a nature which the municipal governing body and the authority find shall contribute substantially to the economic attractiveness of the enterprise zone or district, and may include, but shall not be limited to:

(a)The improvement of the exterior appearance or customer facilities of the property constituting the place of business of the qualified business within the zone or district; provided that the improvement is of a permanent nature and not required to meet existing ordinances or code regulations; or

(b)Monetary contributions to the municipality to undertake improvements to increase the safety or attractiveness of the zone or district to businesses which may wish to locate there or to consumer visitors to the zone or district, including, but not limited to litter clean-up and control, landscaping, parking areas and facilities, recreational and rest areas and facilities, repair or improvements to public streets, curbing, sidewalks and pedestrian thoroughfares, street lighting, or increased police, fire or sanitation services in the enterprise zone or UEZ-impacted business district.

In order to meet the requirements of paragraph (3) of this subsection, an investment shall be in an amount no less than $5,000.00 if the qualified business employs 10 or fewer employees, or if the qualified business employs more than 10 employees, not less than the amount produced by multiplying the number of employees employed by the qualified business by $500.00.  A qualified business shall be required to make an investment for each year the qualified business does not meet the requirements of subsection a. of this section.  In order to receive the incentives permitted by this section, the business shall provide written evidence of the investment to the authority.

L.1983,c.303,s.27; amended 1988, c.93, s.7; 1993, c.367, s.8; 2001, c.347, s.10.