52:27H-73 - Application for designation;  grant or denial;  adoption of ordinance of acceptance

52:27H-73.  Application for designation;  grant or denial;  adoption of ordinance of acceptance
    a.  Any qualifying municipality may designate any area set forth in the zone  development plan as an enterprise zone.  The municipality may then make written  application to the authority to have the area selected for State and federal  assistance offered to enterprise zones or either type of assistance. The  application shall include the zone development plan adopted for the area and  any other information as the authority may require.

    b.  Upon receipt of an application from the qualifying municipality the authority shall review the application to determine whether the area described in the application qualifies for State assistance under the criteria of this act.

    c.  Upon organization the authority shall establish a date for the receipt of initial applications for designations under this act, which shall be within one year of the effective date of this act.  Thereafter, the authority shall complete its review within 90 days of receipt of an application, but may extend  this time period by an additional 60 days if necessary.  If the authority  denies the application, it shall inform the municipality of that fact in  writing setting forth the reasons for the denial.

    d.  The designation of an enterprise zone by the authority shall take effect  upon the adoption by the qualifying municipality of an ordinance accepting that  designation.

     L.1983, c. 303, s. 14, eff. Aug. 15, 1983.