52:27H-69 - Areas eligible for designation 

52:27H-69.   Areas eligible for designation 
    10.  An area defined by a continuous border within one qualifying municipality or within two or more contiguous qualifying municipalities and two noncontiguous areas each having a continuous border within two noncontiguous qualifying municipalities shall be eligible for designation as a zone if: 

   a.   It has been designated an "area in need of rehabilitation" pursuant to Article VIII, Section I, paragraph 6 of the Constitution of the State of New Jersey and P.L.1977, c.12 (C.54:4-3.95 et seq.); or is qualified for that designation in the judgment of the authority; and 

   b.   It meets the criteria established by the authority pursuant to this act relating to the incidence of poverty, unemployment and general economic distress. 

   L.1983,c.303,s.10; amended 1985,c.391,s.1; 1993,c.367,s.5.