52:27H-65 - Duties

52:27H-65.  Duties
    It shall be the duty of the authority to:

    a.  Promulgate criteria for the designation of zones pursuant to the provisions of this act;

    b.  Receive and evaluate applications of municipalities for the designation  of zones;

    c.  Enter into discussions with applying municipalities regarding zone development proposals;

    d.  Act as agent of the State with respect to zone development plans, and in  determining the State-furnished components to be included in those plans;

    e.  Designate zones in accordance with the provisions of this act and promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out its duties under this act;

    f.  Exercise continuing review and supervision of the implementation of zone  development plans;

    g.  Receive and evaluate proposals of qualifying municipalities in which enterprise zones are designated for funding of projects and increased eligible municipal services from the enterprise zone assistance fund, and to certify annually to the State Treasurer amounts to be paid from the enterprise zone assistance fund to support approved projects and increased eligible municipal services in designated enterprise zones;

    h.  Assist and represent qualifying municipalities in any negotiations with,  or proceedings before, other agencies of State Government or of the federal  government, to secure necessary or appropriate assistance, support and  cooperation of those agencies in the implementation of zone development plans  in accordance with the provisions of this act and any other applicable State or  federal law;

    i.  Upon request, assist agencies of municipal government in gathering, compiling and organizing data to support an application for designation of a zone, and in identifying and coordinating the elements of a zone development proposal suitable for the zone sought to be designated;

    j.  Provide assistance to State and local government agencies relating to application for the security of permits, licenses and other regulatory approvals required by those agencies, to assure consideration and expeditious handling of regulatory requirements of any zone business, zone business association or zone neighborhood association;  regulatory agencies of the State  and its agencies and instrumentalities may agree to any simplification, consolidation or other liberalization of procedural requirements which may be requested by the authority and which is not inconsistent with provisions of law;

    k.  Assist the State in applying to, or entering into negotiations or agreements with, the federal government, for federal enterprise zone designations;  and

      l  .  Exercise continuing review of the implementation of this act, and to  report annually to the Governor and the Legislature on the effectiveness of  enterprise zones in addressing the conditions cited in this act, including any  recommendations for legislation to improve the effectiveness of operation of  those zones.  The report shall be submitted one year from the effective date of  this act, and annually thereafter.

     L.1983, c. 303, s. 6, eff. Aug. 15, 1983.