52:27H-24 - Report to legislature and Governor

52:27H-24.  Report to legislature and Governor    Within 6 months of the effective date of this act, the commissioner, after consultation with all division directors, the State Treasurer and the commissioners of appropriate executive departments, including but not necessarily limited to the Departments of Labor and Industry and Environmental Protection shall prepare and submit a report to the Legislature and the Governor identifying (1) those functions and duties currently exercised by other departments, divisions, agencies, commissions, councils, boards or bureaus of State Government relating to commerce and economic development that might be appropriately transferred to the department;  and (2) those functions and duties transferred to the department pursuant to the provisions of this act  that might be appropriately transferred to other departments.  Such transfers  may be effectuated by executive order or law, as the case may be.

     L.1981, c. 122, s. 26, eff. April 16, 1981.