52:27H-23 - Utilization of consolidated statistical services and data processing facilities

52:27H-23.  Utilization of consolidated statistical services and data processing facilities
    The department shall, to the maximum practicable extent, utilize consolidated statistical services and data processing facilities so that unnecessary duplication will be avoided.  To that end, it is directed that the commissioner, the Commissioner of Labor and Industry and the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting shall, from time to time, cooperatively determine and agree upon the nature and extent of assistance and services to be  provided the department by the Division of Planning and Research and the Division of Systems and Communications in the Department of Labor and Industry so as to meet the requirements of the department necessary to the reasonable exercise of its powers and the fulfillment of its functions and duties as set forth in this act.

     L.1981, c. 122, s. 24, eff. April 16, 1981.