52:27D-329.18 - Annual Housing Performance Report
52:27D-329.18 Annual Housing Performance Report.
29. a. On or before January 1 of each year, beginning with the first January 1 that falls after the annual anniversary of the effective date of P.L.2008, c.46 (C.52:27D-329.1 et al.), the department, in consultation with the commission and the working group, shall prepare and submit to the Governor and the Joint Committee on Housing Affordability, or its successor, an Annual Housing Performance Report. Within 30 days following receipt of the Annual Housing Performance Report, a hearing shall be held by the Joint Committee on Housing Affordability, or its successor, to provide an opportunity for public comment and discussion.
b.The report shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following information:
(1)All housing units constructed, rehabilitated, or preserved in which funds controlled by any agency of the State were utilized, including the number of units by:
(b)Affordability and income ranges of occupants;
(c)Target population; i.e., small family, large family, senior citizens, people with disabilities;
(d)Type of housing, including ownership, rental, and other forms of tenure; physical type such as single family or multifamily; and whether the unit was newly constructed, rehabilitated, or preserved; and
(e)The amount and source of all State-controlled funds used.
(2)All bond issuance activity by the agency, including interest rates and the use of bond proceeds.
(3)All other activities, including financial support, technical assistance, or other support conducted by the State to further affordable housing.
(4) Municipal performance pursuant to the "Fair Housing Act," P.L.1985, c.222 (C.52:27D-301 et al.), including the number of units listed for the distinct populations as enumerated in subsection b. of section 27 of P.L.2008, c.46 (C.52:27D-329.16), and the monies collected and the use of all developer fee proceeds deposited into municipal housing trust funds.
(5)For every report issued subsequent to the end of the first year for which a plan has been prepared pursuant to sections 27 and 28 of P.L.2008, c.46 (C.52:27D-329.16 and C.52:27D-329.17):
(a)A comparison between the goals, strategies, and priorities set forth in the plan and the outcomes of programs and strategies carried out by the State during the year, and a statement of the reasons for any differences between the plan and the State's programs and strategies; and
(b)A description of the manner in which the State has addressed the recommendations, if any, for procedural or substantive changes to any State program or activity set forth in the plan.
(6)Statistical appendices providing information on individual projects and funding allocations.
c.The report, appendices, and all supporting documentation thereof shall be made available both in printed form from the department and in downloadable form on the department's web site.
L.2008, c.46, s.29.