52:27BBB-3 - Definitions relative to municipal rehabilitation and economic recovery

52:27BBB-3.  Definitions relative to municipal rehabilitation and economic recovery
3.As used in this act:

"Authority" means the New Jersey Economic Development Authority established pursuant to P.L.1974, c.80 (C.34:1B-1 et seq.).

"Board" means the State Economic Recovery Board established pursuant to section 36 of P.L.2002, c.43 (C.52:27BBB-36).

"Chief operating officer" means that person appointed pursuant to P.L.2002, c.43  (C.52:27BBB-1 et al.) responsible for reorganizing governmental operations of a qualified municipality in order to assure the delivery of essential municipal services and the professional administration of that municipal government.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Community Affairs.

"Contiguous with" means within.  

"Director" means the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs.

"Economic recovery term" means the period commencing with the expiration of the term of the chief operating officer and terminating five years thereafter.

"In consultation with" means with consideration of the input of, or the advice of, the mayor, governing body, chief operating officer or director, as the case may be, without regard to the form or manner of the consultation.

"Local Finance Board" means the Local Finance Board of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs.

"Mayor" means the mayor or chief executive officer of the municipality, as appropriate to the form of government.

"Project" means: (1) (a) acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, improvement and extension of any building, structure, facility, including water transmission facilities or other improvement, whether or not in existence or under construction, (b) purchase and installation of equipment and machinery, (c) acquisition and improvement of real estate and the extension or provision of utilities, access roads and other appurtenant facilities; and (2) (a)  the acquisition, financing, or refinancing of inventory, raw materials, supplies, work in process, or stock in trade, or (b) the financing, refinancing or consolidation of secured or unsecured debt, borrowings, or obligations, or (c) the provision of financing for any other expense incurred in the ordinary course of business; all of which are to be used or occupied by any person in any enterprise promoting employment, either for the manufacturing, processing or assembly of materials or products, or for research or office purposes, including, but not limited to, medical and other professional facilities, or for industrial, recreational, hotel or motel facilities, public utility and warehousing, or for commercial and service purposes, including, but not limited to, retail outlets, retail shopping centers, restaurant and retail food outlets, and any and all other employment promoting enterprises, including, but not limited to, motion picture and television studios and facilities and commercial fishing facilities, commercial facilities for recreational fishermen, fishing vessels, aquaculture facilities and marketing facilities for fish and fish products and (d) acquisition of an equity interest in, including capital stock of, any corporation; or any combination of the above, which the authority determines will: (i) tend to maintain or provide gainful employment opportunities within and for the people of the State, or (ii) aid, assist and encourage the economic development or redevelopment of any political subdivision of the State, or (iii) maintain or increase the tax base of the State or of any political subdivision of the State, or (iv) maintain or diversify and expand employment promoting enterprises within the State; and (3) the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, improvement and extension of an energy saving improvement or pollution control project which the authority determines will tend to reduce the consumption in a building devoted to industrial or commercial purposes, or in an office building, of nonrenewable sources of energy or to reduce, abate or prevent environmental pollution within the State; and (4) the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, improvement, extension, development, financing or refinancing of infrastructure and transportation facilities or improvements related to economic development and of cultural, recreational and tourism facilities or improvements related to economic development and of capital facilities for primary and secondary schools and of mixed use projects consisting of housing and commercial development; and (5) the establishment, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, improvement, and ownership of port facilities as defined in section 3 of P.L.1997, c.150 (C.34:1B-146).  Project may also include:  reimbursement to any person for costs in connection with any project, or the refinancing of any project or portion thereof, if such actions are determined by the authority to be necessary and in the public interest to maintain employment and the tax base of any political subdivision and likely to facilitate improvements or the completion of the project; and  developing property and any construction, reconstruction, improvement, alteration, equipment or maintenance or repair, or planning and designing in connection therewith. For the purpose of carrying out mixed use projects consisting of both housing and commercial development, the authority may enter into agreements with the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency for loan guarantees for any such project in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1995, c.359 (C.55:14K-64 et al.), and for that purpose shall allocate to the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, under such agreements, funding available pursuant to subsection a. of section 4 of P.L.1992, c.16 (C.34:1B-7.13).  "Project" shall not include a school facilities project.

"Qualified municipality" means a municipality: (1) that has been subject to the supervision of a financial review board pursuant to the "Special Municipal Aid Act," P.L.1987, c.75 (C.52:27D-118.24 et seq.) for at least one year; (2) that has been subject to the supervision of the Local Finance Board pursuant to the "Local Government Supervision Act (1947)," P.L.1947, c.151 (C.52:27BB-1 et seq.) for at least one year; and (3) which, according to its most recently adopted municipal budget, is dependent upon State aid and other State revenues for not less than 55 percent of its total budget.

"Regional Impact Council" or "council" means that body established pursuant to section 39 of P.L.2002, c.43 (C.52:27BBB-39).

"Rehabilitation term" means that period during which the qualified municipality is under the direction of the chief operating officer appointed pursuant to section 7 of P.L.2002, c.43 (C.52:27BBB-7).

"Special arbitrator" means that judge designated by the Chief Justice pursuant to section 5 of P.L.2002, c.43 (C.52:27BBB-5).

"State supervision" means supervision pursuant to Article 4 of the "Local Government Supervision Act (1947)," P.L.1947, c.151 (C.52:27BB-54 et seq.).

"Treasurer" or "State treasurer" means the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey.

"Under rehabilitation and economic recovery" means that period which coincides with the rehabilitation term and the economic recovery term.

L.2002,c.43,s.3; amended 2002, c.108, s.3.