52:27BBB-12 - Preparation of municipal management study

52:27BBB-12  Preparation of municipal management study.

12. a. Within 30 days following the submission of interim department head appointments to the governing body, the chief operating officer, in consultation with the mayor, shall undertake the preparation of a municipal management study which analyzes the current state of all services provided by each municipal department and the service levels provided in similarly situated municipalities and shall call upon experts or State government officials, as necessary, in order to identify the options available to achieve appropriate levels of service.  The study shall include police and fire services provided by the municipality, as well as planning, zoning, code enforcement, permitting and any other municipal permitting.

b.The study shall include reference to those studies previously completed by the State during the period of supervision or the operation of the financial review board and any other relevant studies.

c.The study shall be completed no later than nine months following the appointment of the interim department heads.

d.The study shall include a review of the municipal organizational plan, the management structure of each department, and the specific personnel needs within each department and unit therein necessary to achieve the levels of service identified in the study as appropriate for the qualified municipality.

With regard to public safety services, the study shall analyze the current state of services provided in light of such performance measures as calls per officer and call response time and make recommendations for current and future staffing levels in order to realize appropriate levels of service.

With respect to other municipal services, the study shall address turnaround time on the processing, review, and approval of applications, permits, grants, loans or other application-driven interactions on the part of private individuals with the municipality and make recommendations for improvement, including considerations of future staffing levels and the logistical support necessary in order to assure more timely processing of such requests. 

In addition, the study shall include an assessment of the current state of computerization of municipal operations, the extent to which technology and mechanization are used to increase the efficiency of municipal operations, and, in particular, the extent to which geographic information systems are used to assist in municipal resource allocation, and recommendations for ways in which those operations may be made more efficient and accessible to the public through the use of computers and technological innovation, including the use of geographic information systems.

e.Following from this review, the study shall include any recommendations for the reorganization of municipal government structure considered necessary in order to achieve the more efficient, orderly, cost-effective and professional delivery of municipal services.

In addition, the study shall include an analysis and recommendations concerning appropriate pay scales for department heads in order to assist the chief operating officer in recruiting persons with the training and experience necessary to effectuate their job responsibilities.

f.Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the municipal management study shall include an evaluation of the qualification levels of departmental employees in light of their assigned tasks and an identification of training opportunities to assist those employees in better performing their assigned duties, including a program of computer and technology training.  The chief operating officer may call upon the Commissioner of Personnel or other appropriate State government appointees or officers in order to perform this evaluation and provide appropriate training.

g.Upon completion, the study shall be distributed to the mayor, each member of the governing body, every member of the Senate and General Assembly, and the Commissioner of Community Affairs.  In addition, the study shall be available for public inspection.

h.Following from the municipal management study, the chief operating officer shall prepare the necessary amendments to the municipality's administrative code and ordinance, including salary ordinances, which follow from the recommendations in the study.  These ordinances and amendments should be included as an appendix to the municipal management study.

The mayor and the governing body shall be kept apprised of the progress of the municipal management study and shall cooperate with the chief operating officer and provide that information and documentation necessary to assure the expeditious completion of the study.
