52:27BB-76 - Inactive lists;  preparation and effect

52:27BB-76.  Inactive lists;  preparation and effect
    (a) After the board orders the preparation of tax lists pursuant to its powers under sections seventy-four and seventy-five of this act, the collector shall for each year prepare and certify to the county board of taxation a list of all properties, real and personal, upon which no tax payments have been made  during the three fiscal years immediately preceding, to be known as the "inactive list."   In each municipality in which the collector is required by this section to prepare an inactive list, the assessor shall file his duplicate  with the collector at least ten days before he is required to file his  assessment list and duplicate with the county board of taxation.  The collector  shall indicate by a check mark in the left-hand margin of each page at the  appropriate lines those properties which are on his inactive list. The  collector shall attend before the county board of taxation upon two days' notice from the county board, but not less than ten days after the duplicate is  delivered to him, and at such time he shall file with the board the assessor's  duplicate, together with his complete inactive list and a true copy thereof,  such list and copy to be verified by affidavit of the collector.  The county  board shall cause the inactive list and the copy thereof to be annexed to the appropriate tax list and duplicate, respectively.

    (b) The county board of taxation shall deduct from the valuations upon the assessor's tax list and duplicate the aggregate valuations of properties appearing upon inactive lists prior to fixing and adjusting the amount of State, State school and county tax to be levied in each taxing district and prior to causing the tax rate to be entered as provided by law.  The amount of tax at the rate so entered, however, shall also be extended on the tax duplicates against each assessment on the inactive lists, and shall be and remain payable and enforceable in accordance with the provisions of Title 54 of  the Revised Statutes.  The table of aggregates, as required by section 54:4-52  of the Revised Statutes, shall not include items appearing upon the inactive  lists.

    (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve an assessor of any  duty or obligation otherwise imposed by law, except that an assessor shall not  incur any penalty for failure to file his duplicate with the county board of  taxation during such period and only so long as it is actually in the physical  possession of the collector pursuant to this act.

     L.1947, c. 151, p. 672, s. 76.