52:27B-58 - Standard specifications for commodities;  laboratory tests; fees

52:27B-58.  Standard specifications for commodities;  laboratory tests; fees
    The director shall, in consultation with heads of departments, develop standard specifications for all commodities commonly purchased, and shall establish and maintain a system of inventories of properties, supplies and equipment of all State departments and agencies.

    The director shall:

     a.  Determine and establish and from time to time change standards and specifications according to the needs of all using agencies so far as their needs are in common, and for groups of using agencies or for single using agencies so far as their needs differ;

     b.  Fix physical or chemical formulae and otherwise determine the service,  quality, fitness and suitability of all articles tendered or furnished;

     c.  Make use for such purposes of the existing laboratories maintained by the State;

     d.  Establish a list of other public or private laboratories whose tests and analysis will be accepted;  and

     e.  Fix the fees required to be paid for tests or analysis made in any State laboratory.

    The fees required by any State or other laboratory for any analysis or test  made for any prospective vendor, prior to the award of a contract, shall be  paid by such prospective vendor.  Inspection analysis or tests shall be at the  expense of the State.

     L.1944, c. 112, art. 6, p. 306, s. 6.