52:27B-47 - Failure or refusal of officers or heads of departments to keep accounts or make reports;  hearing on charges;  removal

52:27B-47.  Failure or refusal of officers or heads of departments to keep accounts or make reports;  hearing on charges;  removal    If the commissioner should find that any officer or head of a department of  the State Government willfully or negligently fails or refuses to keep or have  kept such accounts, render such reports or perform such other duties as may be  prescribed by the commissioner under this article, or refuses to conform to any  of the provisions of this article, he shall notify such officer or head of a  department in writing of such failure or refusal, and the particulars thereof,  and shall allow him reasonable opportunity to be heard thereon.  If such  failure is not explained to the satisfaction of the commissioner, he shall  prepare written charges against such officer or head of a department, and  submit the same to the Governor forthwith, and serve a copy thereof upon such  officer or head of a department charged with such failure or refusal.   Thereupon the Governor shall fix a time and place for hearing such charges by  giving not less than five days' notice thereof in writing to such officer or  head of a department so charged and to the commissioner.  After due hearing,  the Governor may take such action as may be necessary, in his judgment, including the removal of such officer or head of a department found guilty of  such charges, but if the right of removal in any case is vested exclusively in  the Legislature, the Governor shall transmit to the Legislature a written  report of his findings with his recommendations thereon for consideration and  action by the Legislature.

     L.1944, c. 112, art. 3, p. 303, s. 38.