52:27B-20.2 - Findings, determinations 

52:27B-20.2.   Findings, determinations     2.     The Legislature finds and determines that: 

  The Department of Environmental Protection is one of the largest executive agencies in the State, and exerts considerable influence on the economy and quality of life in the State; 

  In recent years, revenues from fees generated by departmental enforcement and other activities have accounted for a steadily increasing percentage of total departmental revenues; 

  A significant percentage of fee revenues is anticipated by the department each state fiscal year as "off-budget" or "below the line" revenue, for which inadequate program data or no program data are provided to the Legislature; 

  This deleterious trend is clearly illustrated by the Governor's proposed budget for the 1992 State fiscal year, in which the department anticipates receiving over $161 million in fees and fines, only $59.7 million, or a mere 37% of which is anticipated "on budget;" 

  It is the Constitutional responsibility of the Legislature to adopt a budget for each State fiscal year, and, as a fundamental principle of sound fiscal policy, the Legislature must be able to perform a detailed evaluation of major State spending programs; 

  It is, therefore, entirely proper and in the interest of the people of this State, that the Legislature require the Department of Environmental Protection to include, as part of its annual budget proposal, all fee revenues and anticipated fee revenues as "on budget" or "above the line" items, to provide the same date for the programs funded by those revenues as is provided for other spending programs, and to make such information available to the budget committees and the key environmental policy committees in the Legislature; and

  It is also entirely proper, and in the interest of the people of this State, that the Legislature require the State Treasurer, in preparing the Governor's proposed budget for each State fiscal year, to include all anticipated fee revenues for the department "on budget," or "above the line," and to include these fees and the appropriate program information in the public document containing that proposed budget. 
