52:27-39.1 - State, State school or county taxes, compromise of county's claim against certain municipalities for

52:27-39.1.  State, State school or county taxes, compromise of county's claim against certain municipalities for    If a municipality in which the municipal finance commission may be or may have been functioning shall for eight years have been in arrears in the payment  of the whole or any part of any taxes levied in the municipality for either  State, State school or county purposes or any interest thereon, the county may  in accordance with this act enter into a compromise settlement in full  discharge of all claim of such county and its treasurer for any taxes for  State, State school or county purposes, or any interest thereon, or for any  note or bond or other receivable, due and in arrears at the date of such settlement from the municipality, together with any interest thereon, whether such taxes, interest or other receivable have been due and in arrears for more or for less than eight years.

     L.1946, c. 35, p. 76, s. 1.