52:2-3 - Persons authorized to use the Great Seal

52:2-3.  Persons authorized to use the Great Seal1.The Governor of the State, the head of any principal executive department of the State, the members of the Legislature of the State, the former members of the Legislature of the State as provided in section 2 of P.L.1999, c.374 (C.39:3-27.115), the Justices of the Supreme Court, the judges of the Superior Court, the county prosecutors, county clerks, surrogates and sheriffs, the Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the General Assembly and members of the Congress of the United States and each of them, are authorized to use, exhibit and display the Great Seal of the State of New Jersey, in whole or in part, including such use, exhibition and display on their motor vehicle license plates.

L.1955,c.155,s.1; amended 1960, c.77; 1968, c.40; 1991, c.91, s.493; 1991, c.191; 1997, c.294. 1999, c.374, s.3.