52:18A-196 - Findings, declarations

52:18A-196  Findings, declarations.

1.The Legislature finds and declares that:

a.New Jersey, the nation's most densely populated State, requires sound and integrated Statewide planning and the coordination of Statewide planning with local and regional planning in order to conserve its natural resources, revitalize its urban centers, protect the quality of its environment, and provide needed housing and adequate public services at a reasonable cost while promoting beneficial economic growth, development and renewal;

b.Significant economies, efficiencies and savings in the development process would be realized by private sector enterprise and by public sector development agencies if the several levels of government would cooperate in the preparation of and adherence to sound and integrated plans;

c.It is of urgent importance that the State Development Guide Plan be replaced by a State Development and Redevelopment Plan designed for use as a tool for assessing suitable locations for infrastructure, housing, economic growth and conservation;

d.It is in the public interest to encourage development, redevelopment and economic growth in locations that are well situated with respect to present or anticipated public services and facilities, giving appropriate priority to the redevelopment, repair, rehabilitation or replacement of existing facilities and to discourage development where it may impair or destroy natural resources or environmental qualities that are vital to the health and well-being of the present and future citizens of this State;

e.A cooperative planning process that involves the full participation of State, regional, county and local governments as well as other public and private sector interests will enhance prudent and rational development, redevelopment and conservation policies and the formulation of sound and consistent regional plans and planning criteria;

f.Since the overwhelming majority of New Jersey land use planning and development review occurs at the local level, it is important to provide local governments in this State with the technical resources and guidance necessary to assist them in developing land use plans and procedures which are based on sound planning information and practice, and to facilitate the development of local plans which are consistent with State and regional plans and programs;

g.An increasing concentration of the poor and minorities in older urban areas jeopardizes the future well-being of this State, and a sound and comprehensive planning process will facilitate the provision of equal social and economic opportunity so that all of New Jersey's citizens can benefit from growth, development and redevelopment;

h.An adequate response to judicial mandates respecting housing for low- and moderate-income persons requires sound planning to prevent sprawl and to promote suitable use of land; and

i.These purposes can be best achieved through the establishment of a State planning commission consisting of representatives from the executive and legislative branches of State government, local government, the general public and the planning community.

L.1985,c.398,s.1; amended 2004, c.120, s.63.