52:17B-41.5 - Practice of ophthalmic dispensing; prescription required; "ophthalmic technicians" defined; temporary permits to persons from out of the State; apprentices
52:17B-41.5. Practice of ophthalmic dispensing; prescription required; "ophthalmic technicians" defined; temporary permits to persons from out of the State; apprentices
A person practices ophthalmic dispensing within the meaning of the provisions of this act relating to ophthalmic dispensing who prepares and dispenses lenses, spectacles, eyeglasses or appurtenances thereto to the intended wearers thereof on written prescriptions from physicians or optometrists duly licensed to practice their profession, and in accordance with such prescriptions, interprets, measures, adapts, fits and adjusts such lenses, spectacles, eyeglasses or appurtenances thereto to the human face for the aid or correction of visual or ocular anomalies of the human eyes. The services and appliances relating to ophthalmic dispensing shall be dispensed, furnished or supplied to the intended wearer or user thereof only upon prescription issued by a physician or optometrist; but duplications, replacements, reproductions or repetitions may be done without prescription, and such act shall likewise be construed to constitute the practice of ophthalmic dispensing the same as if performed on the basis of an original written prescription. No person shall sell, dispense, supply or offer ophthalmic lenses, spectacles or eyeglasses to intended wearers or users thereof without prescriptions, properly authorized, by physicians or optometrists duly licensed to practice their professions in the State of New Jersey; provided, however, nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to the sale of toy glasses or goggles consisting of plano-white, plano-colored lenses, magnifiers, loupes, binoculars or ordinary colored glasses or the sale of ready-made glasses or spectacles, with simple magnification only, when sold as merchandise at established places of business.
An ophthalmic technician, for the purposes of this act, shall be defined as follows:
One having a knowledge of optics and skilled in the technique of producing and reproducing ophthalmic lenses and kindred products, and mounting same to supporting materials.
Any person from out of the State of New Jersey with appropriate ophthalmic dispensing qualifications or ophthalmic technician qualifications who can prove such qualifications may apply to the board for a temporary permit to secure employment in the State of New Jersey as an ophthalmic dispenser or ophthalmic technician, and said permit shall automatically expire after the publication of the grades of the next succeeding examination; and the board shall be limited to the issuance of only two temporary permits to each applicant, and a fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall accompany such application.
Any person entering into employment in an ophthalmic dispensing establishment for the purpose of obtaining practical experience and skill as a licensed ophthalmic dispenser or ophthalmic technician shall register as an apprentice with the board and the computation of any period of apprenticeship under the provisions of this act shall commence at the date of such registration. Such application for registration shall be certified under oath, by the employer and by such applicant; and a fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall accompany such application, and the board may issue to such applicant an apprentice's certificate. Any person who may have served part of his apprenticeship in any other State or country, not requiring such registration, shall be obliged to give proof of such service satisfactory to the board.
Nothing in the provisions of this act relating to ophthalmic dispensing shall be construed to limit or restrict, in any respect, the practice of medicine by physicians duly licensed to practice in this State, or the practice of optometry by optometrists duly licensed to practice optometry in this State.
L.1952, c. 336, p. 1080, s. 5.