52:16A-80 - Donations to Cultural Trust, matching State appropriation
52:16A-80. Donations to Cultural Trust, matching State appropriation
9.Donations to the Cultural Trust shall initiate the transfer of a dollar-for-dollar match of State appropriated moneys from the Account into the Trust Fund. For the purposes of this act, a donation shall be:
a.an unrestricted donation which is money, property or other object of value given directly to the Cultural Trust but not dedicated for use by a specific qualified organization. Once an unrestricted donation has been certified by the board to the Trust Fund, the State Treasurer shall transfer from the Account to the Trust Fund an amount equal to the unrestricted donation.
b. (1) a restricted donation which is money, property, or other object with monetary value given directly to a qualified organization that is expressly dedicated for endowment. The State Treasurer shall transfer from the Account to the Trust Fund an amount equal to the restricted donation once (a) the board approves a letter of donation or intent to donate, designating the amount of the donation and the name of the financial institution from which the moneys were allocated, with the account number, or a certified appraisal, deed, or other appropriate documentation in the case of property, (b) the board is provided with the name of the qualified organization to which the donation was made and a certification from that qualified organization that the donation was in fact received by the qualified organization, and (c) the board determines and certifies to the State Treasurer that the donation is consistent with the purposes of this act. A restricted donation given directly to a qualified organization on or after January 1, 2000 but before the effective date of this act may be considered a restricted donation for the purposes of this act and shall result in a transfer from the Account to the Trust Fund at such time as may be appropriate provided the requirements of this act are met.
(2)When a restricted donation is equal to or greater than $100,000, the donation shall be considered a large gift donation and the board shall disburse to the qualified organization receiving the donation from the matched funds transferred from the Account to the Trust Fund an amount equal to 20 percent of the donation pursuant to the procedure set forth in paragraph (3) of subsection c. of section 8 of this act.