52:14F-19 - Expedited hearing on terms or conditions on permits in smart growth areas

52:14F-19  Expedited hearing on terms or conditions on permits in smart growth areas.

16. a. If an application for a permit for a proposed project in a smart growth area is approved by the Division of Smart Growth with terms or conditions, the Office of Administrative Law shall provide an expedited hearing and decision on any terms or conditions of such permit upon the request of the applicant.  An applicant who does not request an expedited hearing pursuant to this section retains the right to an administrative hearing and decision on the permit application pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.).

b.Within 15 days after receipt by the agency of notice of an applicant's request for an expedited hearing and decision, the Division of Smart Growth shall transmit to the clerk of the Office of Administrative Law the case record which shall consist of:

(1)the application;

(2)documents the applicant filed in support of the application;

(3)the qualified and registered professional's certification that the application is complete and meets all statutory and regulatory requirements for approval;

(4)the Division of Smart Growth's notices of deficiency, if any, that the application is incomplete;

(5)the Division of Smart Growth's documentation, if any, in support of its determination to include the terms or conditions that are being contested; and

(6)the applicant's request for an expedited hearing and decision.

c.The case shall be assigned to an administrative law judge who shall be a member of the Smart Growth Unit.  The administrative law judge shall establish an expedited briefing and hearing schedule.  Any hearings shall be concluded within 45 days after receipt of the case by the administrative law judge.

d.Nothing herein shall diminish the applicant's obligation to prove in the application process that it satisfies standards for approval of an application.  There shall be no presumptions in favor of either party as to the underlying permit decision.  The standard of review shall be by the preponderance of the evidence.

e.Within 45 days after the closing of the record, the administrative law judge shall issue a written decision as to whether the applicant has satisfied the standards required for the permit.  The time limits established herein shall not be extended except by consent of the parties and the Administrative Law Judge.

f.If the administrative law judge decides that a permit term or condition should be deleted or amended, the Director of the Division of Smart Growth shall take action to revise the terms or conditions of the permit within 10 days after receipt of the decision.

g.The decision of the administrative law judge shall be the final decision binding on the parties and shall not be subject to further review or appeal by either the Division of Smart Growth established pursuant to section 5, 7 or 9 of P.L.2004, c.89 (C.13:1D-145, C.27:1E-2 or C.52:27D-10.6), as appropriate, or the applicant.
