52:14-6 - Organization; conduct of meetings; recommendations
52:14-6. Organization; conduct of meetings; recommendations
The governor shall be ex officio a member and chairman of the meeting, and those attending shall select a secretary, who shall call meetings at such times as may be determined upon. All meetings shall be conducted informally and shall not be deemed to control or direct any participants therein. The meeting may recommend plans for co-operation between the various departments of the state and county or local governments, and appoint committees or designate a representative to confer and discuss plans with the officials of the localities affected, and any county or local officials may submit to the chairman for discussion at such meetings plans or suggestions for co-operation or co-ordination of engineering work which they have in hand with work undertaken by the state. The meeting shall annually submit to the legislature recommendations for any changes in the laws of the state that are deemed advisable or necessary in order to promote efficiency and prevent duplication of engineering work and unnecessary expense.