52:13A-2 - Manner of payment of expenses

52:13A-2.  Manner of payment of expenses
    For the purpose of providing funds for the payment of expenses enumerated in  section one of this act, the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting  in the Department of the Treasury shall, upon the order of the President of the  Senate, draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of the sergeant at  arms of the Senate or other officer designated by the Senate to serve process,  or in favor of the chairman of the board of managers appointed by the General  Assembly, for such sum, not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00) at one  time, as will suffice to meet such expenses;  and such officer shall, at the  end of the trial, account to the said director for his disbursement from the  funds so provided, forthwith pay into the State Treasury any unexpended balance thereof and file with the said director vouchers for the money disbursed by him  or under his direction.

     L.1951, First Sp.Sess., c. 353, p. 1467, s. 2.