52:12-2 - Contents 

52:12-2.     Contents 
     52:12-2. The legislative manual shall include in the contents of each volume the following:      a.   The Constitution of the State of New Jersey;


    b.   The rules of the Senate, the rules of the General Assembly, and the joint rules and orders of the Senate and General Assembly; 

    c.   A correct list of the members of the Legislature of the Session for which the volume is published, with their post-office addresses; 

    d.   A correct list of the several State officers, with the names of their offices, their post-office addresses, the terms for which they are elected or appointed and the date of the expiration thereof; 

    e.   A correct list of the names of the Chief Justice and Justices of the Supreme Court, and the judges of the Superior Court, their terms of office and the date of the expiration thereof; 

    f.   A correct list of the officers of each county, including the sheriff, coroners, county clerk, surrogate, county treasurer, register of deeds and mortgages, and county prosecutors, with their post-office addresses, their terms of office and the date of the expiration thereof; 

    g.   A list of the United States Courts in and for this State, with the names of the judges, clerks, the place where held and the time of holding their several terms; 

    h.   The names of the President and Officers of the United States Government, and the names and post-office addresses of the United States judges and other officers of the United States Courts in this State; 

    i.   The latest census of this State taken under the authority of the United States, as well as any census of the State when taken under the authority of the State; 

    j.   The election returns of the general election next preceding the meeting of the Legislature for which the volume is published; 

    k.   A careful synopsis of all the annual reports of the State departments and institutions required by law to be submitted to the Governor or Legislature; and 

    l.   Such other matter as the Governor or Legislature may from time to time direct to be published in such volume, or which the compilers of the volume may see fit to print, pertaining to the affairs of the State. 

    Amended 1953,c.49,s.1; 1991,c.91,s.495.