52:11-58 - Organization of the Office of Legislative Services

52:11-58.    Organization of the Office of Legislative Services          Organization of the Office of Legislative Services. a.   The Office of Legislative Services shall be governed by the commission and shall consist of such subordinate units as the commission shall direct and such officers, employees and consultants as may, from time to time within the availability of funds, be appointed or employed by direction of the commission.

   b.   In addition to the duties imposed upon the Executive Director, the Legislative Counsel, the Legislative Budget and Finance Officer, the State Auditor and the Director of Public Information by law, it shall be the duty of the Office of Legislative Services to:

   (1)  Provide, upon request, legal, fiscal, research, information and administrative services and assistance for the Legislature, its officers, committees, commissions, members and staff.

   (2)  Assist in the preparation or review of drafts of bills, resolutions and amendments thereof proposed for introduction in the Legislature or other legislative documents for and upon the request of any member, committee, commission or staff of the Legislature.

   (3)  Provide nonpartisan staff for the standing reference committees and other committees and commissions of the Legislature, except those which by law, rule or resolution of either House or direction of the Legislative Services Commission are independent of the office.

   (4)  Collect, prepare and disseminate to the Legislature, its officers, committees, commissions, members and staff, such information, reports, publications and documents as shall be of concern or interest to or have an impact upon the Legislature or the legislative process.

   (5)  Provide such other services as the commission may direct.

   L. 1979, c. 8, s. 5.  Amended by L. 1985, c. 162, s. 3, eff. May 2, 1985.