51:4-23 - Definitions
51:4-23. Definitions As used in this act:
"Building materials" means lumber, wood and wood product materials used in connection with the construction, fabrication and erection of residential, utility or business premises.
"Consumer" means any person who purchases building materials for incorporation into any type of structure.
"Dealer" means "equipped dealer" or "unequipped dealer."
"Deputy superintendent" means the deputy superintendent of the Division of Weights and Measures.
"Delivery," "deliver" or "delivered," except as otherwise in this act specifically provided, means transportation of building materials for sale or use in this State to a consumer by a dealer in vehicles owned, leased or rented by him.
"Division" means the State Division of Weights and Measures.
"Engaging in business," "engage in business" or "engaged in business" shall include any single transaction, act or sale.
"Equipped dealer" means any person who is regularly engaged in the business of selling or selling and delivering building materials to consumers in this State and who maintains unloading or loading, storage, transportation, communication, sales, services or other facilities therefor, with an office accessible to the public with a competent person on duty, commensurate with the nature and other requirements of the business and an "unequipped dealer" means any person who is regularly engaged in the business of selling building materials at retail in this State to consumers in this State who does not maintain loading, unloading or storage facilities.
"Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed, branded, or graphic matter upon any building materials or accompanying such building materials.
"Lumber" means the wood obtained from the felling, trimming and working up of all kinds and types of trees for use as a structural material.
"Wood products" mean any product derived from trees as a result of any work or manufacturing process upon the same primarily intended for use as a building material.
"Mislabeled" or "misbranded" shall be deemed to mean the labeling is misleading, deceiving, or tends to be misleading or deceiving in any particular, and there shall also be taken into account, among other things, not only the representations made or suggested by any statement, word, design, or any combination thereof, but also the extent to which such labeling fails to reveal facts material in the light of such representations or material with respect to consequences which may result from the use of such building materials, to which such labeling relates under the conditions of use prescribed in the labeling thereof or under such conditions of use as are customary or usual.
"Misrepresentation" means any manifestation by words or other conduct by one person to another that, under the circumstances, amounts to an assertation not in accordance with the facts.
"Offered for sale" or "exposed for sale" shall be construed to include the use of any advertising media or means.
"Person" includes corporation, companies, association, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals.
"Superintendent" means the Superintendent of the Division of Weights and Measures.
"Vehicle" means any motor vehicle or motor-drawn vehicle under the control of a dealer in or upon which the products involved are loaded.
"Weights and measures officials" means a State or local weights and measures official.
L.1968, c. 222, s. 1, approved July 30, 1968.