5:8-68 - Offenses;  violators as disorderly persons;  forfeiture of license;   ineligibility to apply for license

5:8-68.  Offenses;  violators as disorderly persons;  forfeiture of license;   ineligibility to apply for license
    Any person, association or corporation who or which shall make any false statement in any application for a license under this act or in any statement annexed thereto or shall pay or receive any rental for the use of any equipment  in or in connection with the holding, operating or conducting of any game of  chance under any license issued under this act unless the amount thereof is  stated in a statement annexed to the application for the license and conforms  to the schedule of authorized rentals prescribed by rules of the Legalized  Games of Chance Control Commission and is paid to a person or persons or  corporation approved as to good moral character and freedom from conviction of  crime by said commission or shall fail to keep such books and records as shall  fully and truly record all transactions connected with the holding, operating  or conducting of games of chance under any such license or shall falsify or  make any false entry in any books or records so far as they relate to any  transaction connected with the holding, operating and conducting of any game of  chance under any such license or shall violate any of the provisions of this  act or of any term of such license, shall be a disorderly person and if  convicted as such shall, in addition to suffering any other penalties which may  be imposed, forfeit any license issued to it under this act and shall be  ineligible to apply for a license under this act for 1 year thereafter.

     L.1954, c. 5, p. 27, s. 19.  Amended by L.1955, c. 161, p. 704, s. 13.