5:8-51.1 - Senior citizen club exemption

5:8-51.1.    Senior citizen club exemption
    The governing body of any municipality shall issue a special license to any senior citizen association or club desiring to hold, operate and conduct games of chance solely for the purpose of amusement and recreation of its members.  The special license shall be valid only for those games of chance held, operated and conducted where no player or other person furnishes anything of value for the opportunity to participate; the prizes awarded or to be awarded are nominal; no person other than a bona fide active member of the organization participates in the conduct of the games; and no person is paid for conducting or assisting in the conduct of the game or games.  The special license shall be issued under this act without fee and shall be effective for a period of two years.

   L. 1985, c. 299, s. 6, eff. Aug. 23, 1985.