5:8-30 - Control and supervision over all games; violations, penalties

5:8-30.      Control and supervision over all games; violations, penalties    7.   The governing body of any municipality issuing any license under this act shall have and exercise control and supervision over all games of chance held, operated or conducted under such license, to the end that the same are fairly held, operated and conducted in accordance with the provisions of such license, the rules and regulations promulgated by the control commission and the provisions of this act governing the holding, operation and conduct of the same and such governing body and the control commission shall have power and authority to suspend any license issued by such governing body and to revoke the same, after hearing, for any violation of any such provision, and shall have the right of entry, by their respective officers and agents at all times into any premises where any such game of chance is being held, operated and conducted or where it is intended that any such game of chance shall be held, operated and conducted, or where any equipment being used or intended to be used in the conduct thereof is found, for the purpose of inspecting the same.

   In addition to or in lieu of revoking or suspending or refusing to renew any license or registration certificate issued by it or any municipality, the control commission may, after providing a licensee the opportunity to be heard: 

   a.   issue a letter of warning, reprimand or censure with regard to any action, conduct or practice which, in the judgment of the control commission upon consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances, does not warrant the initiation of formal action; 

   b.   assess civil penalties in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of P.L.1994, c.63 (C.5:8-30.2); 

   c.   order any person found to have violated any provision of a law, rule or regulation administered by the control commission to desist from future violations thereof or to take such affirmative corrective action as may be necessary with regard to any action found to be unlawful by the control commission; 

   d.   order any person found to have violated any provision of a law, rule or regulation administered by the control commission to restore to any person aggrieved by an unlawful act or practice, any monies or property, real or personal, acquired by means of such action or practice, except that the control commission shall not order restoration of a dollar amount greater than those monies received by a licensee or the agent or a licensee or any other person violating the law, rule or regulation administered by the control commission; and 

   e.   order any person, as a condition for continued, reinstated or renewed licensure, to secure medical or other professional treatment as may be necessary to properly discharge licensee functions. 

   L.1954,c.6,s.7; amended 1955,c.160,s.4; 1994,c.63,s.5.