5:8-118 - Public question; voting instructions

5:8-118.     Public question; voting instructions
    There shall be printed on each official ballot to be used at such election the following:

   If you favor making the act entitled below operative within the State, and operative within this municipality, make a cross X, plus + or check / in the square opposite the word  "Yes."

   If you are opposed to making the act entitled below so operative, make a cross X, plus + or check / in the square opposite the word "No."

                  Shall the act entitled  "An act authorizing the

                  conducting, operating and playing of certain amusement

     Yes.         games, whether of chance  or skill, or both, where the

                  prizes or awards to be given shall be of  merchandise

                  only, of a retail value not in excess of $15.00, and

                  the charge for  the privilege of playing shall not

                  exceed $0.25; providing for the licensing,  regulation

                  and control by a commissioner, of the conducting and

                  operating of  such games; providing restrictions as

                  to the places where such games may be  conducted and

                  operated; providing that certain playing for money or

     No.          other  valuable things is not authorized; providing

                  for the operation and inoperation  of the act in any

                  municipality when so determined by referendum vote

                  therein; and providing for the submission of this act

                  to the legal voters of the State  for their approval

                  or rejection before the same shall become operative

                  within this State," become operative within this State?


   The date of the approval or passage of this act, as the case may be, shall be inserted in the appropriate place after the title.

   In any election district in which voting machines are used the question shall be placed upon the official ballot to be used upon the voting machines with the foregoing instructions to the voters but with instructions to vote "Yes"  or  "No"  by the use of such machines and without marking as aforesaid.

   L.1959, c. 109, p. 518, s. 19, eff. June 16, 1959.