5:5-47 - Permits;  issuance;  limitations;  qualifications

5:5-47.  Permits;  issuance;  limitations;  qualifications    Upon compliance with the foregoing conditions, the commission shall issue a  permit to such applicant to hold or conduct such horse race meeting as authorized by this act.  Such permit shall specify the person, partnership, association or corporation to whom the same is issued;  the dates upon which such horse race meeting is to be held or conducted;  the hours of such days between which such horse racing will be permitted, which shall be in between the hours during which the conduct of racing is authorized by law, the location  of the place, track or enclosure at, on or within which said horse race meeting  is to be held or conducted;  and shall acknowledge receipt of the payment of  the deposit and the filing of the bond provided for in this act.  The  commission may in its discretion authorize a permit holder to conduct the horse  race meeting for which it has been issued a permit, or a portion thereof, at a  place, track or enclosure owned or operated by another permit holder upon  application therefor made by both said permit holders, subject to such terms, conditions, and requirements as the commission shall direct.  No permit shall  be issued to permit running racing on any track that is less than 1 mile in  circumference nor harness racing on any track that is less than 1/2   mile in  circumference.  No such permit shall be transferable nor shall it apply to any  place, track or enclosure other than the one specified therein unless otherwise  directed by the commission.  No such permit shall be issued so as to permit  horse racing at any place, track or enclosure except on Mondays through Fridays  between the hours of 12 noon and 1 a.m. the following day and on Saturdays  between the hours of 12 noon and 12 midnight.  No permit shall be granted under  this act to any person, partnership, association or corporation so as to permit  more than 75 horse racing days in the aggregate in any 1 calendar year for  running races, except as otherwise provided for herein, nor more than 100  racing days in the aggregate in any 1 calendar year for harness races;  nor  shall any permit be granted to the same person, partnership, association or corporation for the holding or conducting of a horse race meeting except at one  track, place or enclosure in this State, unless otherwise directed by the  commission.  No such permit shall be issued to any person, partnership, association or corporation that is in any way in default in the payment of any  obligation or debt due to the State of New Jersey under the provisions of this  act, nor shall any permit be issued to any corporation under the provisions of  this act unless said corporation be organized under and by virtue of the laws  of the State of New Jersey, nor shall any permit be issued to any applicant who shall be deemed by said commission not to be of sufficient financial integrity and moral responsibility to hold a horse race meeting conducive to the best interests of legitimate racing.

     L.1940, c. 17, p. 80, s. 27.  Amended by L.1941, c. 137, p. 464, s. 11; L.1952, c. 125, p. 470, s. 2;  L.1962, c. 17, s. 2;  L.1963, c. 35, s. 2; L.1967, c. 66, s. 2, eff. May 23, 1967;  L.1968, c. 65, s. 2, eff. June 18, 1968; L.1971, c. 85, s. 3, eff. April 8, 1971;  L.1972, c. 23, s. 3, eff. May 15, 1972;  L.1974, c. 149, s. 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1975.