5:12-99 - Internal controls
5:12-99 Internal controls.
99. Internal Controls.
a.Each applicant for a casino license shall submit to the commission a description of its initial system of internal procedures and administrative and accounting controls for gaming and simulcast wagering operations accompanied by a certification by its Chief Legal Officer or equivalent that the submitted procedures conform to the requirements of P.L.1977, c.110 (C.5:12-1 et seq.), and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and a certification by its Chief Financial Officer or equivalent that the submitted procedures provide adequate and effective controls, establish a consistent overall system of internal procedures and administrative and accounting controls and conform to generally accepted accounting principles, except an additional standard may be required by the commission for gross revenue tax purposes. Each applicant shall make its initial submission at least 30 business days before such operations are to commence unless otherwise directed by the commission. Except as otherwise provided in subsection b. of this section, a casino licensee, upon submission to the commission of a narrative description of a change in its system of internal procedures and controls and the two certifications described above, may, following the 15th business day after submission, implement the change. Each initial internal control submission shall contain a narrative description of the internal control system to be utilized by the casino, including, but not limited to:
(1)Accounting controls, including the standardization of forms and definition of terms to be utilized in the gaming and simulcast wagering operations;
(2)Procedures, forms, and, where appropriate, formulas covering the calculation of hold percentages; revenue drop; expense and overhead schedules; complimentary services, except as provided in paragraph (3) of subsection m. of section 102 of P.L.1977, c.110 (C.5:12-102); junkets; and cash equivalent transactions;
(3)Job descriptions and the system of personnel and chain-of-command, establishing a diversity of responsibility among employees engaged in casino or simulcasting facility operations and identifying primary and secondary supervisory positions for areas of responsibility, which areas shall not be so extensive as to be impractical for an individual to monitor; salary structure; and personnel practices;
(4)Procedures within the cashier's cage and simulcast facility for the receipt, storage and disbursal of chips, cash, and other cash equivalents used in gaming and simulcast wagering; the cashing of checks; the redemption of chips and other cash equivalents used in gaming and simulcast wagering; the pay-off of jackpots and simulcast wagers; and the recording of transactions pertaining to gaming and simulcast wagering operations;
(5)Procedures for the collection and security of moneys at the gaming tables and in the simulcasting facility;
(6)Procedures for the transfer and recordation of chips between the gaming tables and the cashier's cage and the transfer and recordation of moneys within the simulcasting facility;
(7)Procedures for the transfer of moneys from the gaming tables to the counting process and the transfer of moneys within the simulcasting facility for the counting process;
(8)Procedures and security for the counting and recordation of revenue;
(9)Procedures for the security, storage and recordation of cash, chips and other cash equivalents utilized in the gaming and simulcast wagering operations;
(10) Procedures for the transfer of moneys or chips from and to the slot machines;
(11) Procedures and standards for the opening and security of slot machines;
(12) Procedures for the payment and recordation of slot machine jackpots;
(13) Procedures for the cashing and recordation of checks exchanged by casino and simulcasting facility patrons;
(14) Procedures governing the utilization of the private security force within the casino and simulcasting facility;
(15) Procedures and security standards for the handling and storage of gaming apparatus including cards, dice, machines, wheels and all other gaming equipment;
(16) Procedures and rules governing the conduct of particular games and simulcast wagering and the responsibility of casino personnel in respect thereto;
(17) Procedures for separately recording all transactions pursuant to section 101 of this act involving the Governor, any State officer or employee, or any special State officer or employee, any member of the Judiciary, any member of the Legislature, any officer of a municipality or county in which casino gaming is authorized, or any gaming related casino employee, and for the quarterly filing with the Attorney General of a list reporting all such transactions; and
(18) Procedures for the orderly shutdown of casino operations in the event that a state of emergency that is declared due to the failure to enact a general appropriation law by the deadline prescribed by Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 2 of the New Jersey Constitution extends for more than seven days, as provided in section 4 of P.L.2008, c.23 (C.5:12-211), or the casino licensee is not eligible to conduct casino operations during such a state of emergency in accordance with section 5 of P.L.2008, c.23 (C.5:12-212), which procedures shall include, without limitation, the securing of all keys and gaming assets.
b.The commission shall review a submission made pursuant to subsection a. to determine whether it conforms to the requirements of this act and to the regulations promulgated thereunder and provides adequate and effective controls for the operations of the particular casino hotel submitting it. If during its review, the commission preliminarily determines that a procedure in the submission contains a substantial and material insufficiency likely to have a direct and materially adverse impact on the integrity of gaming or simulcast wagering operations or the control of gross revenue, the chairman, by written notice to the casino licensee, shall: (1) specify the precise nature of the insufficiency and, when possible, an acceptable alternative procedure, (2) schedule a hearing before the full commission no later than 15 business days after the date of such written notice to plenarily and finally determine whether the procedure in question contains the described insufficiency, and (3) direct that the internal controls in issue not yet implemented not be implemented until approved by the commission. Upon receipt of the notice, the casino licensee shall proceed to the scheduled hearing before the full commission and may submit a revised procedure addressing the concerns specified in the notice.
c.Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections a. and b. hereof, the commission shall, by regulation, permit changes to those internal controls required by subsection a. hereof that cannot have a material impact upon the integrity of gaming or simulcast wagering operations or the control and reporting of gross revenue, including those internal controls described in paragraph (3) of subsection a. hereof, to be implemented by a casino licensee immediately upon the preparation and internal filing of such internal controls.
d.Each casino licensee and applicant shall submit a narrative description of its system of internal procedures and administrative and accounting controls for the recording and reporting of all business transactions and agreements governed by sections 92 and 104 of P.L.1977, c.110 (C.5:12-92 and 5:12-104, as amended) no later than five business days after those operations commence or after any change in those procedures or controls takes effect.
L.1977, c.110, s.99; amended 1979, c.282, s.32; 1980, c.69, s.3; 1987, c.354, s.18; 1991, c.182, s.37; 1992, c.18, s.2; 1992, c.19, s.31; 1993, c.292, s.19; 1995, c.18, s.36; 2002, c.65, s.21; 2008, c.23, s.2; 2009, c.36, s.15.