5:10-29 - Garden State Racetrack;  acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair, reconstruction and improvement;  feasibility study;  additional projects;  approval by legislature

5:10-29.  Garden State Racetrack;  acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair, reconstruction and improvement;  feasibility study;  additional projects;  approval by legislature
    The authority is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire, operate, maintain, repair, reconstruct, restore and improve as additional projects of the authority the Garden State Racetrack facility, its contiguous properties and auxiliary facilities including without limitation pavilions, stands, clubhouses, training tracks for horses, fairgrounds and other exposition facilities, together with all buildings, structures, roads, parking areas, recreation areas, restaurants, transportation facilities or systems, equipment,  furnishings, properties and appurtenances related thereto or incidental to,  necessary for or complementary to the purposes thereof, provided that so long  as any bonds or notes issued to finance any part of the Meadowlands complex are  outstanding none of the revenues of the Meadowlands complex shall be used for  any of the foregoing or to pay principal of or interest on any bonds or notes  issued to finance an additional project.  The authority shall not acquire any  of the foregoing facilities until a feasibility study conducted by a private,  independent consulting firm and satisfactory to the authority shall have been  completed demonstrating that the reconstructed Garden State Racetrack will  generate sufficient revenues to insure repayment of indebtedness incurred to  finance its acquisition and reconstruction and that it will not have a  materially adverse effect on the operations and financial condition of the  Meadowlands complex.  In addition, the authority shall not acquire any of the  foregoing facilities until the Legislature has approved the additional projects planned for said facilities. The authority shall transmit to the Legislature a  copy of the feasibility study required herein, which transmittal shall occur on  a day on which both Houses shall be meeting in the course of a regular or  special session, and the additional projects shall be deemed to have been  approved by the Legislature if, within 30 days of said transmittal, the  Legislature fails to pass a concurrent resolution stating that the Legislature  does not approve the additional projects.

    As part thereof the authority is empowered to make capital contributions to  others for transportation and other facilities, and accommodations for the public using said facilities.  Any part of the sites thereof not occupied or to  be occupied by such facilities may be leased by the authority for purposes determined by the authority to be consistent with or related to the purposes thereof, including but not limited to hotels and other accommodations for transients and other facilities related or incidental thereto, and in addition hereto, the authority may construct and operate or cause to be constructed or operated or both by a lessee, licensee or agent of the authority, on such site other facilities consistent with the purposes for which the authority was established, including, but not limited to, the construction of convention halls and cultural centers.

     L.1978, c. 1, s. 3, eff. Feb. 23, 1978.