Section 48:9
- 48:9-5 - Exclusive franchises; general laws applicable
- 48:9-17 - Powers of gas company; consent to laying of conductors
- 48:9-18 - Companies may mortgage property and franchises
- 48:9-19 - Increasing bonded indebtedness
- 48:9-21 - Manner of laying pipes
- 48:9-23 - Extension of main pipes to neighboring municipality
- 48:9-24 - Piping gas to other municipalities
- 48:9-24.1 - Condemnation; authority; purposes
- 48:9-25.1 - Approval by Board of Public Utility Commissioners of character or heating quality of gas or of change therein required
- 48:9-25.2 - Corporations manufacturing gas may distribute natural gas
- 48:9-25.3 - Powers granted by act are additional powers
- 48:9-25.4 - Distribution of natural gas; designation of route
- 48:9-25.8 - Franchise, consents, permits and rights related to maintenance and operation of gas properties and facilities may also be acquired
- 48:9-25.9 - Rights of corporation to which sale, transfer, conveyance and assignment has been made
- 48:9-26 - Companies which may extend their corporate existence
- 48:9-27 - Certificate; filing; contents
- 48:9-28 - Affidavit of doing business
- 48:9-29 - Privileges conferred by extension
- 48:9-30 - No exclusive privileges; general laws applicable
- 48:9-31 - Rights of state preserved
- 48:9-32 - Taxes according to general laws
- 48:9-33 - Penalties for violation of natural gas pipelines safety